IMPORTANT NOTICE, Woolton Picture House
To all our loyal customers,
We hope our message finds you all (our wonderful and valued customers) well.
The continued support and warm wishes during the cinema’s period of closure has been truly heart-warming and we are touched by the sentiment with which Woolton Picture House is held within in the hearts and minds of so many; a sentiment which we also share.
Woolton Picture House is an integral part of the fabric of our community and a precious part of the history of Liverpool, which we are firmly committed to upholding, restoring, and re-opening.
The sense of community spirit and actions of support have been beyond expectation, and we would like to thank you all for your kind words and very generous contributions to the GoFundMe page, especially during such challenging times. We are very appreciative that Woolton Picture House has been extremely fortunate to have very kindly received public donations and BFI funding during 2020 to help to maintain the building and its continuing overheads whilst the cinema has been closed.
It is our full intention that we will re-open, but regrettably, we are unable to indicate an expected timescale. We understand that this will be disappointing, as we all wish to sit once again in the plush cinema seats to watch a Classic or Blockbuster movie. But restoration of this beautiful, historic venue back to its original form does present many challenges that has led to the delays in opening the cinema, to which we can only apologise and reassure that we will re-open our red doors.
We are looking forward to welcoming you all back so you may enjoy the big screen experience in your beloved cinema once again and we express, our sincere thank you to all our customers for your ongoing support and good wishes. Your kind words and heartfelt support are very graciously received.
We will keep you all posted on our re-opening date.
Warmest Wishes
Woolton Picture House